

The SKIN Signature is most effective as a monthly, maintenance treatment and provides significantly lasting results when combined with topical homecare products. This procedure is suitable for most skin conditions but we recommend calling our office to confirm you are a candidate. Please no direct sun exposure for 1 week prior to treatment



Tailored treatment lasts 60 minutes and includes ultrasonic cleansing, micro-dermabrasion, enzyme masque, extractions, lactic acid peel, facial massage, customized serums, BLU light therapy, hydration, and protection. Most patients feel little to no discomfort and can resume normal activities immediately.



Most patients experience little to no downtime but if this is your first treatment we suggest waiting 3-5 days before an important event in the case of an unlikely reaction. Patients must wear sunscreen daily and avoid direct exposure for 3 days. For optimal skin health we recommend this treatment every 4-6 weeks.


Frequently Asked Questions

+ What Are The Benefits Of The SKIN Signature Treatment?

Incorporating a comprehensive, daily homecare regimen is a crucial component to treating and addressing skin concerns. Our customizable SKIN Signature Treatment helps boost your investment in skincare products by increasing their effectiveness.
Studies have shown that diligent homecare usage and regular facials increase the longevity of injectables! Additional benefits are a clear, glowing, radiant complexion.

+ How Does the SKIN Signature Treatment Work?

The SKIN Signature Treatment is most efficacious as a monthly facial paired with medical-grade skin care products. Our proprietary protocol boost hydration, increases clarity, and helps to refine and retexture the skin. We are happy to create a comprehensive homecare regimen and treatment plan to thoroughly address all your skin needs. Book a skin consultation today!

+ Are There Any Side Effects Associated With This Treatment?

Most patients experience little to no adverse effects from this procedure. We often refer to this as our “Event Facial” as most patients feel comfortable having this treatment 3-5 days prior to a big event. Some patients do experience mild redness and micro-flaking and which usually dissipates after 1-3 days. We highly recommend avoiding direct sun exposure for 3-5 days post treatment and waiting 12 hours to apply cosmetics.


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